Dr. Courtney McNeilly


Dr. Courtney McNeilly
Dr. Courtney McNeilly Associate Veterinarian

I have had my mind set on being a veterinarian since the age of 5. Growing up surrounded by animals, particularly in a competitive show-jumping environment, I initially envisioned a future as a horse vet. However, my trajectory shifted after experiencing the dynamic field of emergency medicine, igniting a passion that has defined my career ever since. Before venturing into veterinary school, I pursued an undergraduate degree in Microbiology at the University of Victoria.

Having graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) in 2023, I am currently immersed in a year-long online rotating internship spanning from 2023 to 2024. My areas of expertise encompass surgery, with a focus on exploratory laparotomy, in-hospital patient management—emphasizing the rescue of parvo puppies—and critical care.

The aspect I cherish most about my profession is its incredible diversity. Working in the emergency department presents daily challenges, and I thrive on tailoring care plans to suit the unique needs of my patients and their families.

On a lighter note, a few interesting facts about me include the array of injuries sustained throughout my years of horseback riding, ranging from broken arms and ribs to fingers and even my femur. Despite being a Montreal native, I moved at a young age, necessitating a bit of work on my French language skills.